"KiNNARODDEN" Music Album
CAPE Nordkinn

“The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say!”*

*quote from the "Lord of The Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien

KiNARODDEN (Trails of ERiDU) Music Album

Far away in the wilderness of north Europe, somewhere in Finnmark county, deep in the Saami lands, I was sitting at exact midnight and looking at exact north; looking at the beautiful Sun, high above the horizon. It was a primal and pure feeling. I was on the trail to the 'end-of-the-world' - Cape Nordkinn (Kinnarodden) in Norway. Now it is the time to unfold the story. "Trails of ERiDU - Kinnaroden" story. And here it is! In the form of the music album by YaDi AND FRieNDs.

"Trails of ERIDU - Kinnarodden is the 1st album of electronica genre compositions by YaDi AND FRieNDs. It is strongly inspired by nature and by people I met. It's a story of the journey to the 'end of the world' - Cape Nordkinn (Kinnarodden) - the uppermost point of mainland Europe located in desolace lands of the oldest culture in Northern Europe - Saami people. Deep there, many tracks were composed, various sounds recorded, and the actual form of the album was shaped.

Cape Nordkinn (Norwegian: Kinnarodden, also called Nordkyn) at 71°8′2″N 27°39′0″E is the northernmost point not only of Norway but of the whole mainland Europe. Located at the Nordkinn Peninsula on the border of the municipalities of Gamvik and Lebesby in Finnmark county, Norway, it rises 234 meters above the mighty Arctic Ocean, and can only be visited following a day-long hike from Mehamn - across harsh and barren areas.

In the nearest future I plan to go back to the desolate lands of northern Scandinavia. My goal is to reach Sandsfjorden coast at Cape Nordkinn and spend some time there under the winter conditions. It will help me to understand the wildlife out there better, in my preparations for a cyclical clean-up of the Sandsfjorden coast. 'Cape-of-the-Nord', 'Tip-of-the-Spear', 'Edge-of-the-World' is NOT a TRASH CAN! I will be using a winter tent, pulka sleds and snowshoes.